IFP + CTS Package

If you love Charismatic Renewal and want to explore topics given by renowned leaders who specialize in each area to better serve the CCR in your reality and in the Church, this opportunity is for you! 

Since 2020, CHARIS has been offering trainings in which thousands of students from all over the world have already participated, in 6 languages. The contents of the Integral Formation Program - IFP and the CTS - Called, Transformed and Sent deepen interesting themes that concerns the current of grace, recommended by Pope Francis.  

Pentecost Promotion

For those who register until 30 June 2024, we offer: 
• Integral Formation Program - IFP 44 lessons
• CTS with the contents of the event held in Rome in 36 lessons

Special promotion: only $110,00 or € 100,00 for both courses.

After that date, you will be able to access for $150.00.

Course availability: Those who register will have 20 months' access to the 2 courses.