Topics addressed in the Paul VI Hall:

✤ Toward 2033
✤ Called, Transformed and Sent
✤ Mary's Yes changed History
✤ How to renew the Church
✤ The gift of leadership
✤ The gifts of prayer

✤ Levels of evil action, sin, renunciation, deliverance
✤ Natural and supernatural, ordinary and extraordinary capacities

✤ The 3 Pillars Pope Francis entrusted CHARIS
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Christian Unity
  • Service to the Poor

✤ The creativity of the Holy Spirit
  • Alpha
  • Digital Synodality

✤ Gospel Creativity
✤ Discernment and Mission


Evangelization - Sent to evangelize the world
Albert Galea – Evangelizzazione 2033, Fr. Pat Collins, Mario Cappello – ICPE and Fr. Giuseppe De Nardi – Koinonia Giovanni Battista

Human Promotion – Transforming the World with the Gospel
François Prouteau and Brother James Shin San-Huyn

Christian Unity - "That they all may be one" (Jn 17:21)
Joseph Tosini and Bp. Leslie Smith

Community - Charism and Mission
Shayne Bennet and Jean Barbara

Intercession - A Worldwide intercessory network
Cyril John and Sheny De Gongora

Prayer groups - Full of life
Andrés Arango e Jean-Christophe Sakiti

To participate in this training course:

  • $100.00

    American Dollar or the equivalent in other currencies


    30% off - with the code received by email

  • As soon as the program is ready, you will be able to enjoy it for 9 months.

Our speakers:

Formation Program

    1. CHARIS and the building of Christian Unity

    2. The mission of the Dicastery to promote Christian unity

    3. Testimony: The encounter with Christ changed my life

    4. Testimony: My journey towards unity

    5. Testimony: The Alpha Experience

    6. Testimony: Working for Unity

    7. Identity and Mission of Prayer Groups in the Church Today

    8. Testimonies of life in prayer groups

    9. Testimonies: prayer groups, a place where charisms are received

    10. Sent to evangelize the world

    11. Testimony on SOM's mission at ICPE

    12. Creating Missionary Parishes

    13. Testimony: Together for a New Evangelization

    14. Charismatic communities called to communion and mission

    15. Charismatic Renewal Communities in the Church

    16. Witnessing to the urgency of going out

    17. Evangelization and the love of God for the poor rejected by society

    18. Testimony on sobriety as a way of life

    19. The 4 roles of the Intercessor

    20. Prophetic Intercession

    1. Called, Transformed and Sent

    2. Mary's YES changed history!

    3. Divine Renovation Ministry

    4. The leader is the one who serves

    5. Prayer in tongues: a little key

    6. False Attributions to Evil

    7. Resting in the Spirit - Natural and Supernatural Capacities

    8. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Identity and Mission

    9. Christian unity is the will of the Lord

    10. Testimony: To seek unity is to seek the Kingdom of God

    11. Serving the Poor: called to the entire CCR

    12. Alpha Experience

    13. Digital Synodality

    14. "Remember not the things of old"

    15. Speech of Pope Francis



  • $100.00
  • 36 lessons